Be the voice of a child; Become a volunteer Guardian Ad Litem

Be the voice of a child; Become a volunteer Guardian Ad Litem

Do you ever watch the news or hear about challenges in our community and think, “I wish there was something I could do to make a difference?” Well, there is! 

The Guardian ad Litem (GAL) program is seeking more volunteers who are willing to advocate for abused and neglected children in court. When the Department of Social Services files a petition with the court alleging abuse or neglect of a child, the Judge appoints a volunteer Guardian ad Litem (GAL) Child Advocate to represent the child’s best interests. 

As part of their advocacy, the GAL will do their own assessment that will include visiting child-clients in their foster care or other placements, conducting interviews, reading records and reports, monitoring court orders, and collaborating with service providers such as therapists and teachers. The GAL Child Advocate then prepares a report to the court with the child’s wishes and the GAL’s recommendations as to what is in the best interest of the child. 

They are, in fact, the “Voice of the Child.” Volunteer advocates are screened, interviewed, and receive 30 hours of initial training and a lot of ongoing support from GAL staff. The District 8 Staff includes Sabastian Ratliff (District Administrator), Timothy Best (GAL Supervisor), Shatara Stanback (GAL Supervisor) and Jennifer Hyler (Program Specialist).

Who can be a Guardian ad Litem Child Advocate? Our GAL Child Advocates come from all walks of life, diverse communities, cultures and life and work experiences. Anyone who is age 18 or older, has a sincere concern for the well-being of children, is willing to have a background check and attend training, and has some extra time on their hands is eligible to apply.  

So why use volunteers, you might ask? The short answer is that volunteers are effective. GAL volunteers provide an independent, unbiased voice for abused and neglected children. Because they are unpaid and focus solely on the child’s best interests, their position in court is unique. Volunteers are co-appointed with an Attorney Advocate, which provides strong, competent advocacy for the children who need it.  There is also a huge fiscal benefit to the State. During the fiscal year 2018-2019, 13.52 million dollars was saved due to the efforts of our volunteers.

Currently, there are 226 children receiving GAL services in our district, which covers Greene, Lenoir & Wayne Counties. These children are represented by dedicated volunteers who give selflessly to make sure these children’s needs for safety and permanency are met–but we need more! Unfortunately, reports of abuse and neglect are increasing, which means a greater need for GAL Child Advocates.  If you would like to learn more, please visit our website at  You can do an application online and if you have more questions, you can reach us via email at or call us at 919.722.6300. Don’t have time to volunteer right now? You can help in other ways! Invite us to speak at your church, civic or other organization to get the word out about the Guardian ad Litem Program and our need for volunteers. We can do that virtually or in person, whatever best suits the needs of your organization.

The next training for new GAL volunteers is scheduled to begin on January 18th, 2023.

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