Parrott students show Ukrainian support
Students and faculty at Parrott dressed in blue and yellow on Friday March 11th to show solidarity with Ukraine. (left to right) Mary Leighton, Brad Sauls, Annastasia Hnatov, Elliana Sylvia, Anna Haddad, Robert Kravitz, and Stewart Hardee.
On Friday, March 11th, the Parrott Academy school community came together in support of Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression. Students and faculty wore blue and yellow and displayed Ukrainian flags and badges. The school’s administration organized this day to show solidarity with the Ukrainian cause and with several students whose families are from Ukraine.
Seventh grader Anatoli Hnatov of Winterville said that his teachers have been very sympathetic, asking about his family and friends that still live in Ukraine. Hnatov’s sister Annastasia, who is a senior, noted that her parents are both from Ukraine and have had the television tuned to war news for the past two weeks. Several family members and friends fled from Kyiv to France and Slovenia right before the Russian invasion.
Handmade badges show Parrott students’ support for the Ukrainian cause.
Looking at the yellow and blue clothes and Ukrainian support badges, Anastasia said it was good that Parrott helped students be aware of the war and its human cost. Her brother commented, “I only wish for peace between these two nations.”