Mike Parker: What do teachers wish parents would do?

Mike Parker: What do teachers wish parents would do?

As this new school year begins, a certain group of people have far more influence on the education of children than they think – parents. Years ago, I read an article from the NEA’s Family-School-Community Partnership Training that outlined “Ten Things That Teachers Want Parents to Do.” This wish list deserves repeating.

First and foremost, teachers wish parents would “be involved in their children’s education. Parents’ involvement helps students learn, improves schools, and makes teachers’ jobs easier.”

Too many parents have the attitude that “education” is something schools and teachers do. My parents were involved in my education. Mom and Dad read my papers, judging neatness, as well as grammar and content. They audited math homework with the precision of a CPA. When I was a kid, their “involvement” was annoying. As I matured, I realized how fortunate I was.

Often teachers make repeated calls to homes to plead for assistance. Some parents turn deaf ears to discipline issues and display a “not involved” attitude toward academics. What message does that send to their children?

The next two wishes are related. Wish No. 2: Parents would “provide resources at home for reading and learning. Parents should have books and magazines for their children and should read to, or with, their children each day.”

Wish No. 3: “Set a good example. Parents should show their children that they [the parents] believe reading is enjoyable and useful. They shouldn’t spend all their time in front of the TV, either.”

We cannot have a literate population if we do not practice literacy. Parents are powerful role models. When children never see their parents read, that parental behavior sends this message: Reading is not important.

If you feel uncomfortable with reading, then take advantage of programs to improve your reading skills. If you will not improve your literacy for yourself, do it for the sake of your children. Also, do not forget an important literacy resource – the public library. Take your children to the library early and often.

Wish No. 4: “Encourage children to do their best in school.”

Our society seems satisfied with mediocrity instead of being focused on the pursuit of excellence. If you are a parent who is happy with “passing” grades when your child can clearly do better, then your attitude belittles and shortchanges your child.

Wish No. 5: “Emphasize academics. Too many parents get caught up in athletics and in preparing their children for the world of work, when academics should be their first concern.”

We have too many students coming from homes that teach through silence that strong academic performance will turn them into “nerds” and reduce overall “coolness.” I call this the “It’s Cool to be a Fool” school of thought. What rule says a student can’t average 17 points per game and also average 97 in chemistry or English or math?

Teachers also wish parents would:

No. 6: “Support school rules and goals.”

The rules exist to provide structure and stability. Familiarize yourself with the rules – and reinforce them at home. Do you have any idea how much class time ends up wasted because of classroom discipline issues?

No. 7: “Use pressure positively.”

Our brains seem programmed to notice the negative. How easily we see a child’s weakness or misbehavior. When was the last time you criticized your child?

Now, when was the last time you praised your child?

I do not believe in empty praise – despite our “everyone gets a trophy” mentality. However, most children do things and demonstrate abilities that merit praise. Yet, do you give that praise – or do you find criticizing to be easier?

No. 8: “Call teachers early if there is a problem (do not wait for teachers to call you), so there is still time to improve the situation.”

No. 9: “Accept their responsibility as parents and not expect the school and teachers to take over this job. For example, parents should make it their responsibility to teach children basic discipline at home rather than leave this task to teachers.” “Discipline” in this context includes self-control, manners, courtesy, and respect for others.

No. 10: “View drinking by underage youth and excessive partying as a serious matter, not a joke. Drinking, partying, and staying out late take a toll on students’ classroom performance. While parents are concerned about drug abuse, many fail to recognize that alcohol is the drug most frequently abused by youngsters as well as adults.”

As the new school year begins, parents and teachers need to work together to educate our young people. A genuine partnership between teachers and parents would go a long way toward improving the education of our children.

Mike Parent is a columnist for the Neuse News. You can reach him at mparker16@gmail.com.

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