All tagged mike parker

Mike Parker: Some considerations as we enter the New Year

As we come to the beginning of a new year, most of us give at least a little thought to making some New Year’s resolutions. I gave up on making New Year’s resolutions because I never could stick to most of them. Of course, one of my resolutions always was to lose weight. I read a recent article that said we should not make such a resolution because we will end up being unhappy, unsuccessful, or both.

Mike Parker: Former mayor led through service

I had not seen him for a good while. One Sunday, he entered King’s Restaurant and took a seat in a booth. I had to go speak to him. He smiled at me, and we chatted for a few minutes. Buddy made a deep impression on me from the time I first met him. He seemed filled with positive vibes and energy. To me, he represented what is best in Kinston and Lenoir County.

Mike Parker: Photos and memories

As part of sorting through items so we know what to keep and what to toss, Sandra has been going through the thousands of photos we have taken and maintained throughout our married years. She has found a ton of photos of our kids when they were small, and we have a starry host of pictures of our grandkids.