All tagged mike parker

Mike Parker: SMS2025 offers insights into marketing through AI and Social Media

I came into this world at a time when the foundational ideas of computer technology were in its infancy. I was born in 1950 – just a decade after the race for computer dominance began. In 1939, George Stibitz, a scientist at Bell Labs, produced the “Model K” Adder using relays and circuitry that provided proof of concept for applying Boolean logic to the design of computers.

Mike Parker: Some considerations as we enter the New Year

As we come to the beginning of a new year, most of us give at least a little thought to making some New Year’s resolutions. I gave up on making New Year’s resolutions because I never could stick to most of them. Of course, one of my resolutions always was to lose weight. I read a recent article that said we should not make such a resolution because we will end up being unhappy, unsuccessful, or both.

Mike Parker: Former mayor led through service

I had not seen him for a good while. One Sunday, he entered King’s Restaurant and took a seat in a booth. I had to go speak to him. He smiled at me, and we chatted for a few minutes. Buddy made a deep impression on me from the time I first met him. He seemed filled with positive vibes and energy. To me, he represented what is best in Kinston and Lenoir County.