Lions to host "Strides" Rockin' Walk-A-Thon for Diabetes Awareness

Lions to host "Strides" Rockin' Walk-A-Thon for Diabetes Awareness

Lions Making Strides 2 Fight Diabetes is set to hold it’s 5th annual “STRIDES” Rockin’ Walk-A-Thon for Diabetes Awareness to raise awareness and funds for diabetes patients. The Lions Club initiative started in Lions International as one of five Lions initiatives and has now spread to throughout the world.  Kinston Host and Ram Neuse Lions Clubs began this event in 2017 inviting community partners like Kinston Community Center, Lions Industries for the Blind, Food Farm (Piggly Wiggly Retail), The West Company’s West Without Borders, UNC Lenoir and other sponsors to join them in helping send diabetes patients to camp to help them become independent, provide scholarships for Type 1 and Type 2 patients and help school nurses provide supplies for their students.

“We're doing this to raise awareness with a health fair for diabetes patients, people who have risk of being diabetics and their families and friends to help support them,” said Committee Chair Sharon Axelberg.

The event, which will take place at Kinston Community Center will feature booths from various organizations, including UNC Lenoir, Kinston Community Health Center, Vocational Rehab, Camp Needles in the Pines for children with diabetes, Kinston Host Lions Club, Green County Health Department, Lenoir County Health Department, and the Kinston Community Health Center, diabetes vendors,  and more.

Betty Ann Wooten, the Secretary Treasurer of the Lions Club, emphasized the importance of the event, saying, "We're looking to raise awareness. We're looking to raise money. So many people think if it doesn't run in my family, then I'm safe. That's an unfortunate choice to make, not true."

In addition to educational booths, there will be a wrecker service that has placed diabetes-related messages on their trucks so that children can learn more about the disease. There will also be a DJ – Eastern Entertainment, corn hole, face painting, and other activities for families.

Wooten also shared that the Lions Club is hoping to recruit new members at the event, saying "If somebody wanted to join Lions, basically come to a meeting or an event and we will sign you up.”

Overall, the “STRIDES” Rockin’ Walk-A-Thon for Diabetes Awareness event promises to be an informative and enjoyable event for the whole family. Axelberg is encouraging everyone to attend and support the cause.

"It's important for people to come and participate because they could get knowledge about the disease and other issues that are going on. You know, they'll also find out about the Lions Club, which means we could get new members to help us do better things for the Community," she said.  “Our ultimate goal is to make the life of at least diabetes patient, longer, fuller and easier.”  The event is March 25, 2025 from 1:00 – 3:00. 

There is no charge to attend.

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