Lenoir County restaurant inspections — Neuse News
Lenoir County restaurant inspections

Lenoir County restaurant inspections

The following inspections were conducted by the Lenoir County Health Department:

Wok N Roll 

2424 N Herritage Street, Kinston 

Date: 4/29

Score: 96


Out of date health employee policy. 

No clean up plan on file. 

Observed employees turn off faucet with bare hands. 

Observed containers of of product in the front reach in freezer without labels. 

Observed wet wiping cloths on counters and others stored in soapy water on the ground. 

Observed flour on ground. 

New Main Moon

909 E W Vernon Avenue, Kinston 

Date: 4/22

Score: 94


No current employee health policy available. 

No vomit and diarrhea plan available. 

Observed employees turn off faucet with bare hands.

No raw product had date marks. 

Flies in kitchen. 

Fly strips hanging above food prep areas. 

Wiping cloths on counters and container without sanitizer. 

Handles resting in dry ingredients. 

Doors to reach in coolers in disrepair, held with tape. 

Mixer, wok area, shelving, floors, walls, dry food bins, inside/outside of equipment needs additional cleaning. 

Floor tiles in disrepair. 


4173 W Vernon Avenue, Kinston 

Date: 5/03

Score: 91


Person in charge unable to produce certification. 

Employees lack knowledge of employee health policy. 

Paper towel dispenser at front lavatory not working. 

Dishwasher machine not sanitizing. 

Employee observed wearing digital watch while preparing foods. 

Wet wiping cloth observed outside of sanitizer. 

2-door prep fridge still leaking. 

Establishment lacking test strips for chlorine sanitizer utilized in dishwasher machine. 

Racks, pots, pans, inside refrigeration, and outer surfaces of equipment visibly soiled. 

Leak observed at hand sink across from fryer area. 

Toilets in both restrooms and mens sink observed soiled. 

Unused equipment stored throughout. 

Walk-in fridge tile cracked and tile throughout visibly soiled. 

Keep Loving Me

2278 Falling Creek Road, Kinston 

Date: 5/04

Score: 99.5


No certified food protection manager present. 

Lack of hairnet/covering. 

Tupperware containers stored wet. 

Hood not working. 

Dust build up still accumulating on ceiling vents. 

Wal-Mart Deli

4101 W Vernon Avenue, Kinston 

Date: 5/16

Score: 97.5


Employees lack knowledge of food borne illnesses and specific symptoms. 

Flies are present. 

Lack of beard restraints.

Pans stored wet. 

Walk-in cooler leaking from ceiling/fan. 

Several pans have presence of grease buildup and rust. 

Plumbing under wash basin of 3-comp sink leaking. 

Sealant where wall and floor connect in walk in cooler has separated. 

Floors throughout in walk-in fridge visibly soiled. 

Piggly Wiggly #66 Produce 

604 N McLewean, Kinston 

Date: 5/22

Score: 98.5


Employee health policy not present. 

No vomit and diarrhea plan.

Facial hair observed unrestrained. 

Wet wiping cloths observed on counter top and hanging on rolling rack. 

Original fruit packaging containers observed cleaned and utilized for reuse per employee. 

Test strips expired. 

Employee restroom doors not self-closing. 

Employee bathroom vents visibly dusty. 

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