Letter to the Editor: All elected officials should take a page from Don Davis's book
Don Davis: taking care of constituents. All elected officials should take a page from his book.
Everyone who knows me knows that I’m Republican to the core. I’ve never voted for a Democrat on the national level in my life. My wife loves to tell the story of how when we were still engaged this summer, and in the midst of wedding planning, I made a point to let her know I had to hang up the phone when President Trump came out to speak at the RNC. (Later on our honeymoon in Hawaii I listened to the Presidential Debate as we drove from one side of Oahu to the other.)
I knew if my party took the White House in 2024 I wanted to attend the inauguration. I requested tickets from all my elected officials. This included my Senators (Budd and Tillis) my current Congressman (Murphy) and due to redistricting, the man who will be my congressman when the inauguration rolls around: Don Davis. Of the fundraisers I’ve attended and the votes I’ve cast for the other individuals, Congressman Davis is the one that came through for me. Thanks to him putting me, his constituent, ahead of party and donors, I’ll be in D.C. January 20th. And thanks to his constituent-first mindset, he’s gained one (still extremely Republican) supporter. If all our elected officials took Congressman Davis’ mindset and chose to look at public service as a way to actually serve the public, this nation would be in an all together better position.
Will Gray
Deep Run, NC
William R. Gray, Jr.
Juris Doctor
Master of Laws-Taxation
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