Mike Parker: School buses will be rolling soon: Please be alert and obey the law

Mike Parker: School buses will be rolling soon: Please be alert and obey the law

On May 6 of this year, I heard a report of a school bus crash in Johnston County. My concern was immediate and poignant. Two of my grandchildren attend school in Johnston County. Although I was relieved to learn the crash did not involved with of my grandkids, I was still sadden to learn that eight children were injured when the driver ran off the road for a split second and then lost control of the bus.

The typical school bus is around 40-feet long and weighs in the neighborhood of 30,000 pounds – without passengers. Buses are huge and can be unwieldy. The last thing any school bus driver needs is distractions of any kind.

But drivers must always be on the lookout. On Monday, Dec. 17, 2018, just after 7:30 a.m. on Icard Ridge Road in Alexander County, a car traveling south crossed the center line and plowed into a school bus bound for West Alexander Middle School. The crash resulted in injuries to 13 students and the bus driver. Twelve children sustained only minor injuries, but one student was in critical condition. The driver of the car was charged with driving while impaired and crossing left of center.

On Tuesday, May 14, 2019, at 2:30 p.m., a pick-up truck ran a stop sign and broadsided a school bus, flipping it onto its side. The bus, a Head Start vehicle, was transporting 15 students and two adults. Thankfully, none of the passengers sustained life-threatening injuries.

We need to keep these accounts of collisions with school buses in mind because those big, yellow school buses are rolling this week. We all need to step up our vigilance and brush up on our knowledge of traffic laws related to school buses.

The laws in North Carolina are specific about stopping for school buses. On a two-lane road, traffic in both directions must stop when a school bus stops. On a two-lane road with a turning lane, traffic in all directions still must stop. The same law applies to four-lane highways without turning lanes: traffic in both directions must stop when a school bus stops.

A driver on a four-lane road with a turning lane and following in the same direction as a school bus must stop. The same rule applies to highways with four or more lanes with a median. Only traffic following in the same direction as the bus must stop.

GS 20-217 a. provides, “When a school bus is displaying its mechanical stop signal or flashing red lights and the bus is stopped for the purpose of receiving or discharging passengers, the driver of any other vehicle that approaches the school bus from any direction on the same street, highway, or public vehicular area shall bring that other vehicle to a full stop and shall remain stopped. The driver of the other vehicle shall not proceed to move, pass, or attempt to pass the school bus until after the mechanical stop signal has been withdrawn, the flashing red stoplights have been turned off, and the bus has started to move.”

Violating this law earns the driver a Class 1 misdemeanor and a minimum fine of $500. If injury or death follows, penalties become much more severe.

But I raised this question again: Should we need a law to instruct us upon what is essentially common sense? Who does not understand that drivers must stop when the STOP arm of a school bus is extended and its lights are flashing?

Children will be boarding buses beginning the first day of this school year. Most will stand near the end of their driveways as they wait. When I think of any of my grandchildren waiting for the school bus, my heart immediately utters this prayer:

“Lord, keep my grandchildren safe.”

I pray not a single child will be injured or killed because someone decides a text message, a phone call, changing a radio station, or running late for work is worth doing something criminal – and often deadly.

I currently have eight grandchildren still in school. I pray the Lord will answer my prayer.

Mike Parker is a columnist for The Neuse News. You can reach him at mparker16@gmail.com.

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