Obituary: Betty Lou Huggins

Obituary: Betty Lou Huggins

On the morning of September 1, 2024, Betty Lou Huggins lifted her 86-year-old eyes high towards Heaven and saw God’s arm reach down towards her. In view of her family, whom she loved so much, Betty reached up and grasped God’s hand so she could watch over them from Heaven as she did so on Earth.

Betty Lou was born on November 26, 1938, to Winfield and Ella Davenport and grew up in Trenton, North Carolina. As their only child, Betty was the object of her parents’ full love and attention. Guided by their steady and nurturing hands, she thrived as a child and adolescent despite being of meager means. Everyone in the community was proud to call Betty “friend” and she became known throughout town as much for her kindness as for her beauty.

Betty Lou graduated High School in 1957 and stole the hearts of many, but it was Garland White of Cove City who won her love and the two married. Shortly thereafter, Garland and Betty had a son Ernie in 1959, followed by their daughter Jill two years later. Betty immediately recognized that being a wife and mother would be her greatest work in life and she joyfully poured every ounce of her young soul into that calling. Betty and Garland would work together year after year to raise and provide for their children while navigating many personal trials along the way. Tragedy suddenly struck the family in 1975 when Garland passed away at the age of 43 leaving Betty a widow with two teenagers to care for. As she always had, Betty faced her struggles with grace and led her children through the turmoil with the same steady and nurturing hands she inherited from her own parents.

Betty Lou White had no intention of marrying again anytime soon, much less a carpet salesman who was over an hour late for the appointment. But when Clifton Huggins saw Betty open the door, annoyed though she looked, he recognized the beautiful high school senior who had stolen his high school freshman heart decades prior. It was no wonder that Clifton did everything he could to win Betty’s own heart. Clifton came from a recent divorce and had children of his own—three daughters, Sheila, Joy and Betty Jo, and one son, Glenn. At the time, he had little to offer Betty except his promise of love and his insistence that “it’ll all work out”. Perhaps against her better judgment at the time, Betty married Clifton in Lenoir County on January 6, 1976.

Afterward, the two began the arduous but ultimately rewarding task of managing a blended family of six children between the ages of 6 and 17. In January of 1980, the couple completed their family with the birth of their son, Devin. With so many children between them, Betty and Clifton had to work hard to meet so many needs. But their love was something special. Their love was a strength that would sustain them through any trial or tribulation for 48 years and serve as an example of what a happy marriage could be. To witness their marriage was to covet their marriage.

Betty Lou Huggins was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on June 19, 1976. Her testimony in Jesus Christ was unwavering and stood as a fierce example to her family. Betty took pride in her home and strove to create an environment where the spirit of love could be felt by all who were fortunate enough to step foot inside. Betty Huggins never lost sight of what she has always proclaimed to be her single greatest calling in life—being a wife and mother. Within that calling, she did not feel shackled or diminished, but free and empowered. Betty Huggins was beautiful in all regards, and while Heaven now rejoices at her presence, her undeniable loving influence lives on in the hearts of all who knew her on Earth.

Visitation will begin at 10:00 am Friday, September 6, 2024, at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 3006 Carey Road, Kinston NC 28504 with funeral service to follow. Interment to follow the funeral service at Oakridge Cemetery in Pink Hill, NC.

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