Lenoir County land transfers
The following land transfers were filed with the Lenoir County Register of Deeds:
2/14, Edna Summers to Jimmy Bizzell, Moseley Hall township, 508 A Wooten Street, lot seven, block F, Weil & Brothers subdivision
2/14, HMR Investments, LLC to Christian Ruiz, lot 10, block C, Shirl Wood subdivision
2/14, M & L Little, LLC to James West, 2.63 acres
2/14, Beverly Durham to David Overman, lot two, Sunset Acres
2/14, Greyson Johnson to Bertin Aquirre, Kinston township, lot 11
2/14, James Neil West to James Keith West, 2.63 acres
2/14, Quincy Harrison to Joshua Potter, Falling Creek township, 3.326 acres
2/14, Holland 5 Homes, LLC to Kayla Marie Janvier, lot 27, 0.6406 acres, Marion Heights
2/17, Debra Singer to Eldon Singer, Falling Creek township, lot five, 2713 Sanderson Way
2/17, Joseph Cameron to Susan Cameron, Contentnea Neck township, two parcels
2/17, Jose Zepeda to Virginia Solorzano, tract A
2/18, Anthony Hart to Coast2Coast Group, LLC, Moseley Hall township, tract two, 0.81 acres
2/18, Reginald Jenkins to Carlton Jenkins, Pink Hill township, 1.145 acres
2/18, Linda Jenkins to Georgia Jenkins, Pink Hill township, 1.99 acres
2/18, Terry Koonce to Jasmine Maye, Falling Creek township, lot eight
2/18, Esther Wade to Progress Home Solutions, LLC, lot 12, block J, Greenmead, section three
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