Greene County Commissioners tackle social work recognition, board appointment, and courtroom project — Neuse News
Greene County Commissioners tackle social work recognition, board appointment, and courtroom project

Greene County Commissioners tackle social work recognition, board appointment, and courtroom project

Greene County, NC - The Greene County Board of Commissioners convened on Monday, March 17, 2025, at the Greene County Operations Center, addressing several key items on their agenda, including recognizing the contributions of social workers, a contentious board appointment, and the approval of a major renovation project.

The board began their substantive discussions with a proclamation declaring March as Social Work Month. Presenter Amanda Smith read the proclamation, emphasizing the social work profession's long-standing commitment to helping others, their extensive education and training, and their history of advocating for social improvements like Social Security and Medicare. The proclamation also highlighted social workers' dedication to equal rights, their ethical principles focused on human well-being, and their efforts to address pressing issues such as mental health, substance use disorders, and economic disparities. The proclamation also touched upon their role in child protection and advocacy for gun safety and healthcare access. The Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the declaration.

County Manager Kyle DeHaven then presented a review of the county's Investment Policy, adopted in June 2022. DeHaven explained that the review was a standard practice to ensure the policy's parameters align with the county's financial strategy. The current policy adopts a conservative approach, prioritizing capital preservation and liquidity by limiting investments to US obligations, North Carolina bonds, certificates of deposit, and specific mutual funds. While this approach may restrict potential yield in the current rising interest rate environment, the finance officer regularly evaluates the portfolio within statutory limitations to optimize returns without compromising risk management. No changes to the policy were requested at this time.

A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to an appointment to the Lenoir Community College (LCC) Board of Trustees. The position became vacant due to a resignation, and while two applications were received, the process sparked debate among the commissioners regarding advertising vacancies. Commissioner Taylor expressed a desire to ensure a fair chance for all interested individuals to apply. Despite acknowledging that board vacancies for 2025 were posted earlier in the year on various platforms as per existing policy, a motion was made and seconded to approve a temporary appointment of Mr. Johnson to the LCC Board of Trustees until July 1st. This temporary appointment will allow time to advertise the position and solicit further applications. Commissioner Taylor clarified their support for both current applicants but stressed the importance of adhering to fair procedures. The motion for the temporary appointment was ultimately carried.

In a move forward with infrastructure projects, the Commissioners awarded the bid for the courtroom renovation project. After an initial Request for Proposal (RFP) did not yield suitable responses, a second RFP resulted in a maximum guaranteed bid of $395,000, which falls within the project's budget. The contractor selected has prior experience working with the county, and the project has a firm deadline of October 3rd, 2025. The board unanimously approved the bid.

Earlier in the meeting, the Commissioners also received and approved the Monthly Collection Report and the Monthly Financial Report. Additionally, they approved the Consent Agenda, which included the minutes from the March 3, 2025 regular meeting, releases/refunds, and budget revisions for the Health Department.

The meeting concluded with brief Commissioners' reports and recommendations, including a mention of an upcoming event at the Jerusalem Church on March 28th. The meeting was then adjourned.

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