Evelyn Coleman Dove: how to handle hurts

Evelyn Coleman Dove: how to handle hurts

I once heard someone say that the best way to handle being hurt is to express it.  Keeping it bottled up on the inside only adds to the hurt. Well, true that it may be, sometimes expressing your hurt causes others to also feel hurt.

As I have aged, I have found that it helps me to simply forgive those who intentionally hurt others. People are only human. We forget things. We get busy. We sometimes are insensitive. We make mistakes and deserve grace and mercy.

We ask in The Lord's Prayer to be forgiven as we forgive those who trespass against us. Whew! Is that really what we want? Do we only want to be forgiven if we apologize or accept responsibility without making excuses or being defensive?

Personally, as I pray daily, I do repent and ask to be forgiven. I desire the opportunity to begin afresh and try to live a little better. To that end, I try to forgive those who have hurt me also. Yes, it is a long way to fall when you have so looked forward to something and it does not happen the way you expected, but put one foot in front of the other and keep a-stepping.

Evelyn Dove-Coleman established PathChoice in 1992. She can be reached at EvDove03@yahoo.com.

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