All tagged evelyn dove coleman

Evelyn Dove-Coleman: A Smart Prediction

Deborah Lott from Charlotte, North Carolina is very smart. She lives in Atlanta now, but we speak often. She was my little pledge-sister when she joined Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill way back in the 1970's. She was smart then, and she is smart now.

Evelyn Dove-Coleman: The Invisible Cord

Once upon a time, the telephone at our home hung on the hallway wall. It had a long, coiled cord attached so the receiver would reach to my room. I would rush home from school and finish my homework so I could call Jean Chapman to discuss all that had happened that day at Savannah High School, particularly on the playground.

Evelyn Dove-Coleman: Getting Out Again

Since the Pandemic, I have generally stayed in since meals and groceries can be easily delivered right to my front door. I still wear a mask when I do go out, and I most enjoy sitting on the deck over the ocean to let the salty air breeze blow over me then.