KCHC mobile health clinic has presence in Lenoir and surrounding counties

KCHC mobile health clinic has presence in Lenoir and surrounding counties

Kinston Community Health Center’s mobile health clinic has been  providing essential healthcare on the last Thursday of each month, since the summer of 2024. A provider sees patients from 10 AM to 4 PM at various locations. Available services include family health, maternal health, and more. KCHC’s mission is to provide accessible, high-quality healthcare to underserved areas, ensuring that all residents have the medical support they need. In addition, the organization remains committed to delivering high quality services at the highest standard of primary and preventive healthcare. 

Lenoir and counties such as Wayne, Duplin, Jones, etc., have been identified as areas with limited access to healthcare, making this initiative especially important. Rural communities face barriers such as transportation to medical facilities. By bringing healthcare directly to the community, KCHC aims to bridge this gap and ensure that residents receive the care they deserve.

During the mobile clinic visitation, patients will be able to walk in for care or schedule an appointment to be seen on-site, eliminating the need to travel to KCHC’s main office in Kinston. The Kinston Community Health Center encourages residents of all backgrounds to take advantage of this opportunity to receive healthcare. For more information or to inquire about specific services, please contact the Kinston Community Health Center at (252)-522-9800, visit their Facebook, or go to kinstonhealth.org.

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