Lenoir County births

Lenoir County births

The following births were filed with the Lenoir County Register of Deeds:

1/06, Amir Kyrie Whitley born to Ashley King and Adam Whitley 

1/07, Nalani Joy Ann Sutton born to Danneka Jermaine Sutton 

1/08, Kruze Lennox Cogdell born to Presley Hardy and Duprell 

1/09, Waylon Lee Locklear born to Kymber Williams and Bobby Locklear II 

1/09, Princess Amiracle Washington born to Talaya Powell and Paul Washington 

1/10, Sariah Kyryn Johnson born to Tiffany Johnson 

1/12, Jherni Aior Davis born to Mikia Davis

1/13, Tru Amiri Hines born to Destiny Hines 

1/13, Henry Aaron Lopez Bautista born to Ana Sorto Bautista and Henry Lopez 

1/14, Adhara Daleyza Quintanilla Lopez born to Fatima Lopez and Oscar Quintanilla 

1/15, Lakauri Montez Isaiah Hart born to Quanasia Hart

1/20, Hazley Olivia Rhue born to Hannah Medley and Jacob Rhue 

1/22, Paisley Brooke Eubanks born to Hannah Ward

1/22, Dylan Etzael De La Rosa born to Aaliyah Ramirez and Luis De La Rosa

1/22, Kemani Alexander Siplen born to Richelle Johnson and Keith Siplen 

1/23, Matthew Gael Carranza Berrios born to Fatima Berrios and Jorge Carranza

1/23, Jasmine Ruiz Centeno born to Josefina Centeno and Jose Ruiz 

1/24, Sofia Abigail Hernandez Ramirez born to Maria Ramirez and Edgar Hernandez 

1/27, Marciah Amor Bizzell born to Kindra Sherrod 

1/30, Aiden Phoenix Salinas born to Katy Krause and Branden Salinas

1/30, Lylah Nayomi Graham born to Laniyah Coley and Jaequan Graham 

1/30, Landry Kay Moore born to Kaylee White and Joel Moore

1/31, Kali Alora Mills born to Kalexis Mills 

1/31, Millie Jayne Miles Little born to Mariah Dantzler and Billy Little 

2/01, Zander Wilson King born to Alexis Sharpe and Zachary King 

2/01, Sahvanii Marsai Fields born to Ziyah Vaughn and Shavantaz Fields 

2/04, Sahara Jysage Stephenson born to Shakima Stephenson

2/05, Chozyn Westin Carter born to Pollard Rene

2/06, Ailany Sofia Villanueva Ramos born to Maria Villanueva Ramos 

2/07, Ador Sherai Worthington born to Alexis Garner and Aaron Worthington 

2/07, Zyair Kyriq Little born to Latrice Preston 

2/08, Drayko Willis Basden born to Mary Perry and Elwood Basden II 

2/08, Chloe Jonae Simmons born to Shadiamond Williams 

2/09, Eliana Carolincy Lopez Mendez born to Bilda Mendez Luax and Gerson Lopez

2/09, Zymarion Towle born to Alicia Towle 

2/10, Mateo Niguel Gonzalez born to Jessica Battle and Emanuel Gonzalez 

2/11, Kyndal Grace Cotton born to Tyronae Cotton 

2/12, Logen Wade Wilkins born to Amber Person and Tyler Wilkins 

2/13, Kysir Amari Miller born to Shaniya Washington and Thomas Miller 

2/14, Ivan Sanchez Rios born to Yareli Rios Alonso and Avellaneda Sanchez

2/14, Ashton Welsh born to Sara Williams and Timothy Welsh 

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KCHC mobile health clinic has presence in Lenoir and surrounding counties

KCHC mobile health clinic has presence in Lenoir and surrounding counties