All tagged america

Reece Gardner: Our flag is more than just a symbol

Among the horrible sights we have witnessed in Afghanistan has been the burning of the American Flag as The Taliban celebrated what it considers to be a victory over the USA. But our flag is more than just a symbol, and it has a long & glorious history. It was the flag , during the war of 1812, that inspired Francis Scott Key to write the Star-Spangled Banner, as our massive flag flew triumphantly atop Baltimore's Fort McHenry after U.S. soldiers withstood a 25-hour bombardment by British warships.

Reece Gardner: The assault on the 2nd Amendment is intensifying

The assault upon the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution is intensifying, targeting not only "Assault" weapons but also weapons such as the Glock 9MM pistol. Also, we are seeing more aggressive "Defund the Police" movements in various cities such as Chicago, Minneapolis, Portland, New York, and others, leading to major increases in crime and violence, destroying lives and property on a massive scale. And even on the International Front the calls for less military preparedness are being heard.

Reece Gardner: The Flag is speaking to us today

This coming Sunday, June 14, is Flag Day, the anniversary of the Flag Resolution of 1777, when the Continental Congress sanctioned a flag for the brand-new United States of America. It was this flag, during the war of 1812, that inspired Francis Scott Key to write the Star-Spangled Banner, when our massive flag flew triumphantly atop Baltimore's Fort McHenry after U.S. soldiers withstood a 25-hour bombardment by British warships.

Reece Gardner: Working together like geese

We are only days away now from President Trump's announcement concerning the direction our country will take in dealing with the coronavirus, and getting our economy going again. By working together we can emerge even stronger than we were before this "silent plague" came our way. There are creatures among us that can help us understand how important it is to work together, and how we can live our lives with more meaning and purpose just by observing them.