All tagged duplin

Duplin farmer re-elected to serve Jones and Lenoir regions

AgCarolina Farm Credit recently completed the 2024 Director and Nominating Committee election. An independent third party tabulated the ballots, and the results have been certified and provided to the Association. We appreciate the participation of AgCarolina voting stockholders to help strengthen our cooperative. Each of the elected directors will serve a four-year term beginning January 1, 2025. 

LCSPCA finds rescue home for Duplin, the dog

Prayers have been answered! With the help of Mark Dove and the LCSPCA team, a rescue has been found for Duplin. The rescue has a certified canine behavioralist who works with feral dogs. We appreciate your continued support for animals in our community. If you would like to follow and support Duplin, check the comments below for the rescues website.

Kristy Kelly: Death by good intentions

The saga of Duplin, also known as the dog with a jug on his head, appears to be coming to an end if a post on social media is to be believed. The post announced the dog’s imminent euthanasia and was then shared with various news outlets, including ours. The outrage is building online as I type this. Unfortunately, the outrage is misplaced.