All in Columns

Alice Shapiro: Why collect art?

On a quiet day near the end of 2023, I walked around downtown Kinston with no particular destination or purpose in mind. Art 105 was open, and I entered. Upon reaching Bruce D. Ziegler's space, the artist greeted me cheerily, and we began a conversation about artmaking. As we walked around the art-filled space, Ziegler showed me several pieces he had made over the years, and I began to see a pattern, or a style, emerge from the many displayed on the walls and floor.

Kristy Kelly: Thanksgiving FAQs

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday that celebrates the harvest and the blessings of the past year. It is a time for families and friends to gather together, share a feast, express gratitude, and enjoy each other’s company. However, it can also be a time for stress, confusion, and conflict, especially if you are not prepared or experienced.

Neuse Regional Libraries share success stories with ECU students and North Carolina Librarians

Wonderful things are happening at the Neuse Regional Libraries and we’re always thankful for opportunities to talk about them! Several staff members have been invited recently to discuss successful programs and services to a variety of audiences and we were happy to share details about our experiences that could help others reach out to meet needs in their own communities.

Cooking with Tammy Kelly: Cranberries Shine During the Holiday Season

Everyone goes extra crazy about cranberries from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day, sadly after that often cranberries are shelved. Most of us are all too familiar with the many ways to consume cranberry sauce during the Holidays, and stringing them around your vintage Christmas trees. Let’s not forget that cranberries are one of best fruits to have on the menu year-round, not only are they tasty, they are a great source of nutrients and antioxidants.