Snow Hill - Mr. Taylor Moore at Greene Early College has been selected as the Greene County Principal of the Year for the 2023-2024 school year.
All in Education
Snow Hill - Mr. Taylor Moore at Greene Early College has been selected as the Greene County Principal of the Year for the 2023-2024 school year.
On Monday, September 25th, the staff of West Greene Elementary hosted their first Title One event of the 2023-2024 school year, Family Literacy Night, from 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Kinston native Katlyn West is making her way through the working world after graduating from Lenoir Community College this year.
Snow Hill Primary gives out a weekly award called "Terrific Kid" awards. Each teacher at SHP chooses a student who has been responsible, shows great character, or has reached a personal goal. On Fridays, these students are presented with an award and are congratulated for their hard work. Below are Snow Hill Primary's last Terrific Kid Awards!
Gabi Register hasn’t been teaching all that long, but she’s been teaching long enough to know hers is a demanding occupation where success depends on attitude as much as aptitude.
Following their tradition of giving back, Greene Early College, continued this mindset on September 22. Being an early release day, the staff planned a day of giving back to their school and fellow students. It was an opportunity to realize and plan for upcoming initiatives and special events national and school wide. Another positive outcome was an opportunity for students to network with other students across the grade levels.
Andrea Mefford, a Cove City native and education veteran, is providing families with an alternative to traditional schooling. Her initiative, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Academy, aims to offer a personalized educational experience, particularly for students with special needs.
Bright and early Tuesday morning, Mrs. Lewis’s yearbook class and Mrs. Scott’s career management class were visited by the Neuse News team to speak to students about career opportunities in business and journalism.
Equipment failure related to the storm over the weekend has caused South Lenoir High School to utilize remote learning again on Wednesday. Electricians and contractors are waiting for parts to be delivered to resolve the issue. The parts should arrive on Wednesday.
More than 60 backpacks stuffed not with school supplies but with “healthy, nutritious and fun food” went out to three LCPS middle schools last week in a project spearheaded by Kinston’s First Presbyterian Church that aims to help bridge the hunger gap for students when they’re away from school for the weekend.
Since April of this year, Neuse Regional Libraries have seen an extremely enthusiastic response from the community for Chess Club, a new weekly meeting of chess players of all ages, backgrounds, and experience levels. Every week upwards of 25 players gather to play casual games and exchange tips, while newcomers can learn how to play and get some invaluable over-the-board experience in a laid-back environment.
The Lenoir County ABC Board recently presented a check of $15,000 to Lenoir Community College to assist in alcohol and drug awareness programs at the College.
Dawton King of La Grange, North Carolina is among the more than 900 cadets and students recognized for their academic achievements during the spring 2023 semester.
Join us under the sea as the Elysian Players Production of Disney's The Little Mermaid comes to Lenoir Community College Sept. 22 – 24 and Sept. 29 – Oct. 1. This production is presented in partnership with the LCC Foundation. The show is sure to drag you out of your seats by its tentacles and into the magical world of The Little Mermaid.
Bill McBrayer, a North Carolina Community College System State Board member, made a visit to Lenoir Community College today with a stop at the Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing Center.