All in Health

Rabid Fox Found in Lenoir County

The Lenoir County Health Department received confirmation from the North Carolina State Laboratory that a fox has tested positive for rabies.  The animal was located in the northern part of the county in the Paul’s Path area.  In January, a rabid raccoon was found in southern Lenoir County.  

Kinston Community Health Center to construct new medical facility at old shirt factory site

On November 16, 2021, the City Council approved a resolution authorizing the conveyance of the shirt factory property to the Kinston Community Health Center (KCHC) to construct a new medical facility. Since that time, KCHC has been conducting pre-development in preparation for the new medical facility, which includes financial planning, engaging lending partners, and architectural planning. 

Once complete, this $20 million health center will result in expanded services, as well as an expected 41 new jobs and a 3,000-person increase in the number of patients served by KCHC annually.  

Kinston Department of Fire and Rescue to participate in Child Passenger Safety Week 2022 and seat check Saturday

Kinston Department of Fire and Rescue is participating in Child Passenger Safety Week, Sept. 18 – 24, 2022, and hosting a Seat Check Event on Monday , Sept. 19, 2022 from 1:30 PM until 4:30 PM at Kinston Fire Station 1 across from the Historic Grainger Stadium. These events encourage North Carolina parents and caregivers to make sure their car seats and booster seats fit their children properly and that the seats are correctly installed in vehicles.

Safety remains a continued priority for school administrators and local leaders

The Student Resource Officer (SRO) at Northside High School in Jacksonville reportedly took 20 seconds to respond to events that resulted in one student dead, another injured, and one in custody. “Our heartfelt condolences are with the Onslow County School System as they mourn the loss of a student and to all parents that have experienced an act of violence in their respective communities,” said Assistant Superintendent Nicholas Harvey II. “All Lenoir County middle and high schools will have a dedicated fully staffed SRO. Each elementary school will have a shared SRO and walk throughs from NC Highway Patrol and other law enforcement agencies,” said Commissioner J. Mac Daughety.