Dan E. Perry:  Change will not happen if you do not vote!

Dan E. Perry: Change will not happen if you do not vote!

Recently I heard a conversation between a talk show host and his guest. In discussing the present run-away inflation and the many failed policies of the present administration, the guest observed that, “I can’t think of anything positive about the Biden administration. It’s all going in the wrong direction. Even those who hate Trump must admit that at least we had a lot of good things going our way.”

They then discussed the Afghanistan debacle as well as the reversal of Trump’s policies of energy independence and the border wall security. The talk show host and his guest both agreed that every area of Biden’s policies, is the reversal of everything good that was set in place and turning it into something bad. They agreed that it appears that our enemies are sitting back totally amazed at how we are destroying ourselves from within.

The one glimmer of hope that President Biden is claiming victory in is his policy affecting the Corona Virus – but the truth is it was Donald Trump’s swift action that gave it the jump start that got the ball rolling in the right direction.

Folks, obviously something is wrong that needs to be fixed! A positive step in the right direction is the gubernatorial sweep in Virginia. People are beginning to wake up!

Let me zero in on just one of the many items that needs to be fixed – the disaster at the Southern border wall. In just a few short months the Biden administration has methodically undone every meaningful border security measure that had been put in place. Hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated illegal immigrants, many of them criminals, are welcomed into our country every month or so.

The number of illegal immigrants in June was the highest in over 20 years. Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) has been effectively shut down. And yet the Democrats won’t admit that it’s a crisis situation. I’m amazed that I haven’t heard the Republicans ask them this simple question: “If this is not a crisis, please tell me what will it take for you to call it a crisis?” With their infamous defund the police policy in place it seems to me that disaster is the only obvious result. Maybe I stand alone in this, but to me I don’t see the rationale in their thinking. I haven’t heard of any sensible answer to such a policy, or for that matter, to any of his many flawed policies.

I agree with Mark Morgan, President Trump’s former Acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, when he said, “The commonsense reality is that by incentivizing and facilitating illegal immigration, the Biden administration is making it easier for drugs to pour into the U.S., for human trafficking to expand, and for criminal aliens to infiltrate our society!”  

Folks, it’s past time for a change! Next year’s November election is our golden opportunity. Let’s spread the message and prayerfully look forward to a massive reversal of Biden’s many failed policies!

But be assured, it will not happen if you don’t vote. Your vote is the key to victory!

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