A more meaningful New Year’s Resolution

A more meaningful New Year’s Resolution

Every year, we are bombarded with “New Year, New You” messages about how to be a healthier happier person. While it's commendable to work towards a better you in 2022, health and wellbeing is a lifelong journey. Forbes states, according to a study by the University of Scranton, that only 8% of people will achieve their New Year's resolutions.

The Forbes article also discusses the best ways to achieve resolutions and says that intention, hope/engagement, responsibility, and inspiration are key to achieving the goals. Below are some other ways you can focus on the resolutions you're making and be the best person you can be in 2022.

  • Decide what will make you most happy: Most people aren't able to successfully implement multiple resolutions. Set one or two and work hard on those. Too many can be distracting and can make it difficult to work on your goals. Focus on the most important ones and when you achieve those, make another one and tackle it.

  • Be realistic so you can succeed: Set realistic and achievable goals for yourself. When you set a goal that there's no way you can achieve, it will be a letdown when it doesn't happen. For example, if you want to lose weight, setting a goal to lose 75 lbs. by the end of March is not achievable (the exception is weight loss surgery). Research your goal and see what's the best way to get there. For weight loss, the Mayo Clinic says 1-2 lbs. per week is an attainable goal. Setting a goal of 75 lbs. when 20-40 is more realistic can just lead to disappointment in yourself.

  • Be kind to yourself: If you have trouble getting in gear or with your goals, don't beat yourself up. Life changes are difficult, and they can take time to fully flesh out. If you experience a backslide, don't worry about it! Work to not do it again and give yourself a break. Tomorrow is a new day!

  • Recognize that the past two years have been difficult: The Covid pandemic has wreaked havoc on many people's mental and physical health. Recognizing this doesn't mean that you are weak. It means that you have a healthy self-awareness of your life circumstances. During the pandemic, many have lost jobs and experienced financial instability, have felt lonely and isolated, and started unhealthy habits. It is important to recognize any challenges the pandemic brings to your 2022 goals so you can be successful.

  • Take a social media break: This is something that's repeated often in articles about self-improvement and mental health. During the pandemic, many have used social media to stay connected with loved ones and friends. However, there are good reasons to use social media less. According to Psychology Today, healthy self-esteem can be greatly compromised by social media use and leaves 60% of users feeling inadequate. If you're trying to improve yourself and everyone around you seems to be living a perfect life, you could find yourself comparing, and not favorably. Limiting your social media use to 30 minutes a day can be a mood improver, and you should see benefits in as little as three weeks. 

If you’d like some advice on your goals and how to achieve them, you speak with your healthcare provider. To find a provider, visit the UNC Lenoir Health Care website and choose Find A Doctor. You can then search by location, specialty, condition, or treatment. You can also call us at 252.522.7000 or email us at info@lenoir.org. Here’s to your happiest, healthiest year ever!

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