La Grange Town Council member, former Fire Chief, passes away

La Grange Town Council member, former Fire Chief, passes away

La Grange Fire Department announced on their social media page they lost a fine man and friend in David Holmes. Holmes was a retired La Grange Fire Chief, an active La Grange Captain, and an active La Grange Town Council member.

“We have no words that describe our loss,” La Grange Fire Department said in their Facebook post. “You will truly be missed, Pumper!”

John Craft, La Grange Town Manager, said, “Councilman David Holmes was an extremely dedicated and valued member of our town and the entire La Grange Community. His service to our town, as evidenced by his 21 years of service on the Fire Department, 10 years as Fire Chief, long-time member of the Planning Board, and over twelve years on the Town Council, clearly showed his love for, and dedication to La Grange and all its citizens. Most importantly, David was a great father, person, and friend to so many. He will be sorely missed.”

A Go-Fund-Me was created by Ryan Riley, the Fire Chief for La Grange Fire Department last week after Holmes suffered a heart attack at the scene of a fire. The funds were to help Holme’s family with expenses.

“I have lost a great friend; one I can’t replace,” said Ryan Riley, Chief of the La Grange Fire Department. “Pumper had a superb relationship with the men on this department and they loved him dearly.”

The Go-Fund-Me account can be found here. “The La Grange Fire Department has lost one of the greatest members it has ever known, the Town of La Grange has lost one of its best community servants and I have lost one of my greatest friends,” said Riley.

“We, the Town of La Grange, have lost an outstanding member of our community,” said La Grange Mayor Bobby Wooten. “David Holmes loved our town. He was totally committed to it. He served with honor and integrity. We’ve known each other for many years. He and I didn’t agree on every issue that came before us, but he was never a disagreeable person. He was very well respected throughout our community. He will be sorely missed by those of us who knew and respected him.”

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