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Dan Perry: The direction of the Democrat Party

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Dan E. Perry

July 7, 2022


As a registered “unaffiliated” voter, I’ve tried to be opened minded about my voting priorities. I readily admit that I tend to be on the conservative side on most political issues. The basic reason being that in my opinion it was the conservative, common sense forward thinking of our founding fathers that formed the background for making us the greatest country the world has ever known.

We are a government of laws not of man. The rule of law based on Godly principles of government and free enterprise was and is the key to our success. In my opinion our freedom and prosperity were also based on the principles of limited government and low taxes as well as private ownership of property. The many nations of the world that have failed are the ones who emphasize big government control dominated by policies resulting in high taxes. Individual freedom to compete for a fair margin of profit stimulates growth and prosperity.

President Lincoln was right when he prayed that we would be a “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” The failed policies of Socialism, which leads to Communism, stands for a government of the government, by the government, and for the government. The present Democratic party is leading us in that direction. History shows us that such policies lead to eventual poverty and even slavery.

I’ve always been a proponent of checks and balances and the two-party system. It’s a sensible, healthy, and prosperous country that allows for free exchange of ideas in a Republic or representative form of government. In other words, we elect people to represent us to make laws and policies that are in the best interest of the common good.

Back in my younger years I was a registered Democrat, as was my mother and father and most everybody else. I grew up thinking that the Democratic party best represented all the people, including minorities, blacks, whites and everybody else. Such thinking was ingrained in us at birth. But somewhere along the line I, along with many others began to wake up and realize that the liberal element of the party was taking over the party and had left me behind. I remained a Democrat in order to vote for local issues and candidates I agreed with. But a number of years ago I found I was no longer comfortable in calling myself a Democrat and therefore switched my registration to “unaffiliated,” which is what I am today.

With all that being said, I’m still trying to keep an open mind on all issues. Today I’m still trying to find something positive to say about the Democratic party and the present administration. The prior Republican administration had very quickly brought us to an unprecedented position of prosperity in a very short time; crime and terrorism were pretty much under control; and with the building of the wall, the control of our southern boarder was heading in the right direction; we were respected throughout the world while our foreign policy was being negotiated from a position of strength.

But then, overnight from day one, when the new Democratic Administration took over in 2020, things began to change radically. In my opinion we’ve gone downhill drastically. I hate to say it, but it appears obvious that President Biden and his Democratic Administration have intentionally undone all the good things that the Republicans had put in place to make us strong and affluent.

I know the arguments, but I fail to see anything good in the direction President Biden has taken us, starting with his AFGHANISTAN FIASCO AND HIS WEAK FOREIGN POLICY; his support of DEFUNDING THE POLICE; (We need more, not less well-trained police enforcement); then his dealing with his SELF-INFLICTED SPIRLING INFLATION. (He says he’s doing everything in his power to curb it, but what has he done other than blame the Russians and the gas station operators?) Returning to Trump’s policy of energy independence would be a good place to start. A list of Biden’s failed polices goes on and on.

President Biden and his Democratic Party’s record low approval rating is a good indication that most Americans agree with me. We need a new direction! Taking back the House and Senate in November 2022 and the White House in 2024 is the place to start. But it won’t happen unless all those who agree get out and vote!

Please pray about it and be determined to vote!

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