Lenoir County restaurant inspections

Lenoir County restaurant inspections

The following restaurant inspections were conducted by the Lenoir County Health Department:

El Norteno

1701 W Vernon Avenue, Kinston

Date: 9/30

Score: 90


No current health policy present.

Employee turned off faucet with bare hands.

No hot water available of the cook line hand wash sink.

Slight buildup on the inside of the ice machine.

Spray bottle on cook line without the common name.

Refried beans and queso sauce cooling on the counter dropped below 135F.

Live roaches throughout the kitchen.

Water/condensation dripping from the ceiling.

Product bags opened on the top shelf.

Handles to scoops resting in dry ingredients.

Broken interior panel on the artic air reach in cooler.

Cutting boards need to be resurfaced or replaced.

Faucet and handle leak at 3 comp sink and leak at the piping under the rinse sink at the dish machine.

Lights out under the hood system.

Moldy tiles where the ceiling is leaking.

Holes in the walls throughout the kitchen especially in dish area.

Lighting below required levels through out the kitchen.

New Main Moon

909-E W Vernon Avenue, Kinston

Date: 9/30

Score: 96


Observed scoops stored in dry ingredients with heavy build up and caking of ingredient.

Food items in prep sink thawing without water running.

Scoop handles resting in bulk containers of ingredients.

Mixer, floors, walls, ceilings, walk in cooler door and outside of equipment with heavy build up in need of additional cleaning.

Slight leak at the faucet on the prep sink.

Some floor tiles in front of back door are in poor repair.

Chen’s Chinese

211 W Vernon Avenue, Kinston

Date: 9/30

Score: 95.5


Establishment had outdated employee health policy on file.

No written procedures were able to be produced during the inspection.

Pork on prep top at a temperature of 47F.

Observed Palmolive dish soap on the cook top across from the prep sink.

Observed trays of chicken thawing on the prep sink that were thawing to be cut.

Thawing shall be achieved under refrigeration or submerged under running water 70F or less.

Utensil handles resting in dry ingredients.

Dumpster doors open.

Tokyo House

1201 W Vernon Avenue, Kinston

Date: 9/30

Score: 90


Raw shrimp and raw steak resting above cooked shrimp.

Ice machine with heavy black buildup on shield and on side walls.

Sushi in display case above 41F.

No items were date marked.

Observed no labeling on any frozen fish items that were taken out of original packaging.

Tea urn on floor of walk in cooler.

Observed tongs resting on oven hadle.

Zip lock bags resting in rice cooker waiting to be reused.

Several fridges not ANSI certified.

Rusted microwave by sushi prep, back freezer lid is broken and does not latch correctly.

Build up and rust on shelving units and reach in door gaskets.

Smithfield's Chicken 'N Bar-B-Q

4483 US Hwy 70 W, Kinston

Date: 9/30

Score: 94.5


Food not being cooled effectively.

Dead pests in reach in cooler containing potato salad on the prep line.

Employee wearing bracelets.

Lid to dumpster broken and doors open.

Lights were out under the hood.


1344 Hwy 258 S, Kinston

Date: 9/30

Score: 96


Observed employees change tasks with out washing hands.

Frozen french fries in walk in freezer with condensation dripage on it.

Build up on gaskets through out facility, debris on shelving in both dry storage areas.

Build up on walls and ceiling throughout facility.

Quick & Chicken

802 W Vernon Avenue, Kinston

Date: 9/30

Score: 97


Employee drink on prep table, no lid or straw.

Batteries to the towel dispenser in the women's restroom were dead and so no paper towels were available.

Plug in fan blocking the hand sink in the ware washing room.

Ice machine with heavy residue on ice sheild.

Single use tray stored right side up near the hand-sink to the left of rice cooker.

Build up on gaskets of reach in cooler.

Faucet to the front hand-sink turned off due to a drip at the faucet.

Sugar Hill Pizzeria

211 N Herritage Street, Kinston

Date: 9/30

Score: 95.5


Soda nozzles have build up/syrup residue.

Food employee was wearing a watch.

Door reach in cooler with inner plastic panel broken.

Cutting board has heavy groves.

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