Proposed Solar Farm on Green Acres Road

Proposed Solar Farm on Green Acres Road

The proposed solar farm on Green Acres Road is a private project between private  landowners and NextEra Energy. Greene County Government has had no  involvement in this matter. 

To clarify: 

• Greene County Government does not own or control the 20 parcels of land  identified for the solar farm. 

• Greene County Government has not offered any incentives or financial  support to NextEra Energy for this project. 

• With the exception of the increase in property tax revenue, Greene County  Government will not benefit financially or otherwise from the solar farm’s  development. 

The Greene County Board of Adjustments is required by North Carolina law to  hold a quasi-judicial hearing for any application involving a special use permit.  This process involves reviewing evidence to determine whether the project  complies with legal standards set by state law and Greene County ordinances. If  the applicant provides sufficient evidence demonstrating compliance, the Board is  legally obligated to approve the permit. 

In 2015, the Greene County Board of Commissioners adopted regulations  governing solar farms after holding public hearings. Currently, the Board is  considering a temporary moratorium on new solar farm applications to allow time  for a thorough review of the regulations and to gather additional public input. 

Greene County Government is committed to transparency, fairness, and  upholding the law. While this proposed solar farm is a private matter, it must  adhere to all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

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