All tagged family

Reece Gardner: Happy Father's Day!

Some things bear repeating, or at least expanding on, and that's what I am doing today. We recently celebrated Mother's Day, and now Father's Day is coming up on June 19. I want to look at this Day both from the perspective of a son as well of a dad.

Reece Gardner: Do you have any regrets?

Do you have any regrets? Are they about something you did, or about something someone did to you? Most of the presentations on this subject that I have heard in my Dale Carnegie Classes over the years, as I have mentioned previously, have come from people who felt they they had been the cause of another's hurt.

Mike Parker: “What do you want for Christmas, Dad?”

The things I really want for Christmas are never tangible objects. For instance, I would really like to have a good night’s sleep. Now, you must be pushing 50 from one side or the other to appreciate this wish. A good night’s sleep consists of two key ingredients: 1) comfort during the sleeping process, and 2) no aches and pains after the night is over and the alarm clock sounds.

Reece Gardner: Take time to travel!

Three very special young ladies are traveling in Italy this week and I want to highlight some of their experiences. These ladies are my Daughter Jessica, my Grand Daughter Rachel, and a special friend, Carla Gray. They are all extremely busy in their everyday business and personal lives. Jessica holds a very important position with Natural Stone Services headquartered in Alpharetta, Ga., and she also is a leader in her church and community. Rachel is also a very busy young executive, and Carla stays on the move as well. So if you are planning to travel, don't let your busy schedule keep you from doing so.

Reece Gardner: Who is a Dad?

Father's Day became a National Holiday when President Nixon signed it into law in June, 1972. Up until that time there had been calls for this recognition to occur, such as these words from an Arthur Godfrey song, "If it hadn't been for Father, would your Mother be your Mother, so remember Dad on Mothers Day."

Reece Gardner: One day at a time

In last week's Column I wrote about the passing of my brother, Rick Gardner, and how the loss of a loved one can be painful to those who remain. But we are in this life "One day at a time," and it is incumbent upon us to cherish each day and be thankful for the opportunity we are given to share our lives with others, particularly members of our families.

Reece Gardner: The passage of time

Today I want to talk about the passage of time and how we handle it. Life is NOT about how far we can go, how high we can jump, or how much weight we carry. Life IS about family, friendships, experiences, and memories. We all suffer heartbreaks over such things as losing a loved one or seeing a child suffer, but broken hearts can give us strength, understanding and compassion toward ourselves and others, and help us to appreciate life's peaceful moments.