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Snow Hill Primary "Terrific Kid" Awards

Snow Hill Primary gives out a weekly award called "Terrific Kid" awards.  Each teacher at SHP chooses a student who has been responsible, shows great character, or has reached a personal goal.  On Fridays, these students are presented with an award and are congratulated for their hard work.  Below are Snow Hill Primary's last Terrific Kid Awards!

Rover Goes to School

Always seeking to expand student literary experiences through creating a print/book rich environment as well as preparing them for the adult world, Greene Early College English teachers, Emily Garris and Natasha Martin, have gone beyond the usual scope of the public school setting.

Zacchaeus Jones Crowned Mr. Beautillion 2024

Zacchaeus Jones, a junior at the Lenoir County Early College High School, made a significant mark at the 2024 Beautillion Scholarship Pageant, winning both Mr. Young Man of the Year and Mr. Beautillion titles. His achievements shined brightly in an event that celebrates the aspirations and accomplishments of young African American men.

Snow Hill Primary "Terrific Kid" awards

Snow Hill Primary gives out a weekly award called "Terrific Kid" awards.  Each teacher at SHP chooses a student who has been responsible, shows great character, or has reached a personal goal.  On Fridays, these students are presented with an award and are congratulated for their hard work.  Below are Snow Hill Primary's last Terrific Kid Awards!