Lenoir County land transfers

Lenoir County land transfers

The following land transfers were filed with the Lenoir County Register of Deeds:

10/24, ATM Properties, LLC to Dolores Kennedy, NC State Road 1709 & 1712, lot 11, lot 12, B E Pittman subdivision 

10/24, Jeffrey Jones to Gina Jones, Trent township, 7.22 acres

10/24, Franklin White to Mark Conway, Vance township, tract four & five

10/24, Carol Sugg to Charles Sugg, 44.58 acres

10/24, Jacobsen Properties, LLC to Sumz Properties, LLC, Falling Creek township, two parcels, Castle Oaks, section five

10/24, Rigoberto Maldonado to Jeremy Garcia-Suarez, 0.83 acres, tract D

10/24, Donna Smith to Colby Smith, Trent township, Smith Grady Road, 1.88 acres

10/24, Shanon Larson to Robert Benson, Contentnea Neck township, 4.06 acres

10/24, Randall Harper to David Howard, Pink Hill township, lot eight & nine, Harper Landing, section two 

10/25, Kathy Hill to Drew Hyman, 5314 Hugo Road

10/25, Barbara Dixon to Nikita Dixon, Vance township, lot two, section three, Old Farm

10/25, Elizabeth Linker to Matthew Stephens, lot three, block C, W Clinton Spence Farm, Moseley Hall township 

10/25, Hope Davis to Emily Jones, Vance township, lot C, Lila T Grubbs Estate, Cameron Langston Road

10/25, Hearth & Home Property Solutions, LLC to Secured Investment High Yield Fund II, LLC, 1653 Elijah Loftin Road, 0.80 acres

10/25, 3MZ Enterprises, LLC to Crystal Capers, Vance township, lot 10, Cobblestone subdivision 

10/25, Grizzly Equity, LLC to Marlon Garcia, 509 Beasley Street, lot 18

10/28, Harvey Darrah to Graff Investments, LLC, lot nine, Moseley Hall township 

10/28, D.R. Horton, Inc. to Maryiah West, lot b14, Butterfield subdivision

10/28, Ashley Norman to Edwin Suazo, Moseley Hall township, 0.13 acres

10/28, Josue Viera to Edwin Suazo, Moseley Hall township, 0.5 acre

10/28, Jonathan Grant to Jacobsen Properties, LLC, Vance township, 0.857 acres, 4432 Hwy 58 N

10/28, Shaun Saunders to Tammy Wiggins, lot two, 0.78 acres

10/28, Roberta King to James Hatch Jr., 2768 Quinn Sawmill Road, Pink Hill township 

10/28, Jacobsen Properties, LLC to Joe's Construction, LLC, lot 20, Hornpipe Branch subdivision, section IV, 791 Tracy Road

10/28, Jason Kops to JJ Granting Homes, LLC, lot two, Fox Run of Kinston, 2193 Fox Run Drive

10/28, Holly Hoffman to Melissa Stroud, Neuse township, 1.26 acres

10/29, Maidred Stroud to Juan Camacho, Neuse township, lot 10, block B, Windsor Farm, section one

10/29, Lynn Crockett to Burgess Waller, Parcel 7A, 6.19 acres

10/29, Carol Wentz to Hugh Wentz, 1300 Airlee Drive

10/29, Neuse Landing Homes, LLC to Robert Wiggenhorn, lot three, 0.5399 acres, Marion Heights

10/29, Graham Britt to Sethan Moody, NC State Road 1165 & 111, 0.913 acres, lot nine, Pink Hill township 

10/29, Maria Ramos to Kendy Orellana, 5013 Sylvia Lane, Contentnea Neck township, lot 30, 0.62 acre, Syl Ken Estates, section five

10/30, Judy Grady to Jesse Grady, Woodington township, 5.50 acres, lot 9A

10/30, Jesse Grady Jr. to Jesse Grady III, Woodington township, NC Road 1136, US Hwy 258, 1.5 acres

10/30, State Employees' Credit Union to Secu*re, Inc., 1221 Stockton Road, Kinston township, lot 19, lot 20, block E, Perry Park Club Pines section 

10/30, William Rowland to William Harris III, Southwest township, NC State Road 1915 & 1903

10/30, William Harris III to Deborah Turner, Southwest township, NC State Road 1915 & 1903

10/30, Janet Toler to Joseph Toler Jr., lot two, 0.592 acre, Moseley Hall township

10/30, Alexander Gooding to Sam Kim, Kinston township, E Peyton Avenue & N East Street, tract three

10/30, First Choice Homes, Inc. to Jasmine Jones, Pink Hill township, 3.00 acres

10/30, Joseph Hooker to James Hedgepeth, Kinston township, lot 13, Samsons division 

10/30, Gammon Construction, LLC to Damon Curl, lot 11, Aspen Ridge subdivision 

10/30, Joseph Barrett to Warren Robbins, lot four, block S, Sutton Drive, Perry Park subdivision 

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